About Us/Our Expert Team

Our Expert Team

Different perspectives, shared values. At the heart of our methodology is people: your people and ours; collaborating and merging our two unique areas of expertise. Our team are smart, supportive, empathetic and social. We love coming together daily to lift each other and redefine what it means to do real, honest, brilliant work.

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UI Designer

Abby Samaniego

Will perfect your UI for an infinite coffee supply

Account Director

Adeline Benoit

All I need is a steaming pot of black tea to...

Senior Account Manager

Alex Gibney

UI Designer

Alex Lekic

Design is like Jazz, it's best when you improvise

Technical Project Manager

Alexander Roth

He grew tall so he can see deadlines from far away

Human Resources Manager

Amy Chippindale

Ran the fastest half-marathon, between two Japanese restaurants

Junior Project Manager

Anna Cano

Believes shopping is the best form of exercise and sales are the best marathon

Senior Data Analyst

April Sun

So good at singing she makes a living by writing


Bernie Johnson

Specialist dance move is "The Caterpillar"

Head of Delivery

Courtney Cox

Eats extreme hot wings like a champ

Development Lead

Dion Tsai

Work hard. Play hard!

Account Director

Emily Day

Cycles through challenges, Downward Dog's through deadlines and multitasks with her best fur friend, Luna

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